This site contains the most up-to-date list of my recent publications, including PDF versions (which in some cases have to be pre-prints due to pay walls). You can also check out other public profiles at Google Scholar, DBLP, ACM, and ORCID.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers and Notes
Adrian Friday, Christina Bremer, Oliver Bates, Christian Remy, Srinjoy Mitra, and Jan Tobias Muehlberg. The belief in Moore's Law is undermining ICT climate action. In LOCO'24: 1st International Workshop on Low Carbon Computing.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
Christina Bremer, Christian Remy, and Adrian Friday. Fake Data Leads to Fake Insights: The Challenges of Prototyping Energy Dashboards. In LIMITS 2024: Tenth Workshop on Computing within Limits.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
Oliver Bates, Christian Remy, Kieran Cutting, Adam Tyler, and Adrian Friday. Exploring post-neoliberal futures for managing commercial heating and cooling through speculative praxis. In LIMITS 2024: Tenth Workshop on Computing within Limits.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
Adam Tyler, Oliver Bates, Christian Remy, and Adrian Friday. Mind the gap! : The role of ICT in office heating & comfort. In ICT4S 2024: ICT for Sustainability Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
Matthew Pilling, Michael Stead, Adrian Gradinar, Christian Remy, and Thomas Macpherson-Pope. Preparing to Repair: Using Co-Design and Speculative Design Methods to Explore the Future of IoT Right-to-Repair with Citizens and Communities. Cumulus Detroit 2022: Design for Adaptation.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
Christian Remy, Gunnar Harboe, Jonas Frich, Michael Mose Biskjaer, and Peter Dalsgaard. Challenges and Opportunities in the Design of Digital Tools for Distributed Affinity Diagramming. In ECCE 2021: Proceedings of the 32nd annual European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Jonas Frich, Michael Mose Biskjaer, Christian Remy, Lindsay MacDonald Vermeulen, and Peter Dalsgaard. Revisiting the Role of User Research in Design Creativity: Three Insights for Future Studies. In ECCE 2021: Proceedings of the 32nd annual European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Christian Remy, Lindsay MacDonald Vermeulen, Jonas Frich, Michael Mose Biskjaer, and Peter Dalsgaard. Evaluating Creativity Support Tools in HCI Research. In DIS 2020: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Simon Voelker, Sebastian Hueber, Christian Holz, Christian Remy, and Nicolai Marquardt. GazeConduits: Calibration-Free Cross-Device Collaboration through Gaze and Touch. In CHI 2020: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Simon Voelker, Sebastian Hueber, Christian Corsten, and Christian Remy. HeadReach: Using Head Tracking to Increase Reachability on Mobile Touch Devices. In CHI 2020: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Oliver Bates, Callum Nash, Christian Remy, and Ben Kirman. The Future of Techno-Disruption in Gig Economy Workforces: Challenging the Dialogue with Fictional Abstracts. In HttF 2019: Halfway to the Future Workshop, Nottingham, UK, 2019.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Clemens N. Klokmose, Christian Remy, Janus Bager Kristensen, Rolf Bagge, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, and Wendy Mackay. Videostrates: Collaborative, Distributed and Programmable Video Manipulation. In UIST 2019: In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium, New Orleans, Lousiana, USA, 2019.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ Video
] [ ACM
Michael Mose Biskjaer, Jonas Frich, Lindsay MacDonald Vermeulen, Christian Remy, and Peter Dalsgaard. How Time Constraints in a Creativity Support Tool Affect the Creative Writing Experience. In ECCE 2019: In Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2019.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Mai Linneberg, Devarajan Ramanujan, and Christian Remy. Where are you? Challenges in Aligning Bottom-up Sustainability Innovation with Corporate Strategy. In CRR 2019: Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, Tampere, Finland, 2019.
[ BibTeX]
Jonas Frich, Michael Mose Biskjaer, Lindsay MacDonald Vermeulen, Christian Remy, and Peter Dalsgaard. Strategies in Creative Professionals' Use of Digital Tools Across Domains. In C&C 2019: In proceedings of the 12th conference on Creativity & Cognition, San Diego, CA, USA, 2019.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Jonas Frich, Lindsay MacDonald Vermeulen, Christian Remy, Michael Mose Biskjaer, and Peter Dalsgaard. Mapping the Landscape of Creativity Support Tools in HCI. In CHI’ 19: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glasgow, UK, May 2019.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
] [ supplementary
Christian Remy, Oliver Bates, Vanessa Thomas, and Matthew Broadbent.
Sustainability... it's just not important.
The Challenges of Academic Engagement with Diverse Stakeholders. In ICT4S’ 18: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, Toronto, Canada, May 2018.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ EasyChair
Christian Remy, Oliver Bates, Alan Dix, Vanessa Thomas, Mike Hazas, Adrian Friday, and Elaine M. Huang. Evaluation beyond Usability: Validating Sustainable HCI Research. In CHI’ 18: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montreal, Québec, Canada, April 2018.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
] [ supplementary
Christian Remy, Oliver Bates, Vanessa Thomas, and Elaine M. Huang. The Limits of Evaluating Sustainability. In LIMITS’ 17: Third Workshop on Computing within Limits, Santa Barbara, California, USA, June 2017.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Vanessa Thomas, Christian Remy, and Oliver Bates. The Limits of HCD: Reimagining the Anthropocentricity of ISO 9241-210. In LIMITS’ 17: Third Workshop on Computing within Limits, Santa Barbara, California, USA, June 2017.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Vanessa Thomas, Christian Remy, Mike Hazas, and Oliver Bates. HCI and Environmental Public Policy: Opportunities for Engagement. In CHI’ 17: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Denver, Colorado, USA, May 2017. Honorable Mention Award (top 5%)
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Christian Remy, Silke Gegenbauer, and Elaine M. Huang. Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap: Lessons and Challenges of Applying the Attachment Framework for Sustainable HCI Design. In CHI’15: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 1305-1314, Seoul, Korea, April 2015.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Christian Remy and Elaine M. Huang. Addressing the Obsolescence of End-User Devices: Approaches from the Field of Sustainable HCI. In ICT4S ’14: Conference on ICT for Sustainability, Stockholm, Sweden, 2014.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ Atlantis
Christian Remy, Sheetal Agarwal, Arun Kumar, and Saurabh Srivastava. Supporting Voice Content Sharing among Underprivileged People in Urban India. In INTERACT ’13: Proceedings of the 14th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2013.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ Springer
Malte Weiss, Christian Remy, and Jan Borchers. Rendering Physical Effects in Tabletop Controls. In CHI ’11: Proceedings of the twenty-ninth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, pages 3009–3012, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2011.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Christian Remy, Malte Weiss, Martina Ziefle, and Jan Borchers. A Pattern Language for Interactive Tabletops in Collaborative Workspaces. In EuroPLoP ’10: Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, pages (C3)1–47, Irsee Monastery, Germany, July 2010.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Journal Articles
Christian Remy, Adam Tyler, Paul Smith, Oliver Bates, and Adrian Friday. Wasted Energy? Illuminating Energy Data With Ontologies. In IEEE Pervasive Computing, Volume: 23, Issue: 2, April-June 2024.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ IEEE
Anke Brocker, René Schäfer, Christian Remy, Simon Voelker, and Jan Borchers. Flowboard: How seamless, live, flow-based programming impacts learning to code for embedded electronics. In ToCHI 2023: ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Issue 1, Vol. 30.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Kelly Widdicks, Christian Remy, Oliver Bates, Adrian Friday, and Mike Hazas. Escaping unsustainable digital interactions: Toward “more meaningful” and “moderate” online experiences. In IJHCS 2022: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 165, 102853, 30.09.2022, p. 102853.
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Jonas Frich, Michael Mose Biskjaer, Christian Remy, Lindsay MacDonald Vermulen, and Peter Dalsgaard. User research and design creativity: three insights for future studies. In BIT: Special Issue of the journal Behaviour & Information Technology, 2021.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ T&F
Oliver Bates, Vanessa Thomas, Christian Remy, Adrian Friday, Lisa Nathan, Mike Hazas, and Samuel Mann. Championing Environmental and Social Justice. In ACM interactions 25, 5 (2018).
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] [ ACM
] [ HTML
Oliver Bates, Vanessa Thomas, and Christian Remy. Doing Good in HCI: Can We Broaden Our Agenda?. In ACM interactions 24, 5 (2017).
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] [ ACM
] [ HTML
Christian Remy and Elaine M. Huang. Limits and Sustainable Interaction Design: Obsolescence in a Future of Collapse and Resource Scarcity. In First Monday, Volume 20, Number 8, Special Issue "Limits '15". August 2015.
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Christian Remy. Taking a Note from Marketing Research in Sustainable HCI. In ACM interactions 20, 3 (2013).
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] [ ACM
] [ HTML
Book Chapters
Christian Remy and Elaine M. Huang. Communicating SHCI Research to Practitioners and Stakeholders. In: Digital Technology and Sustainability: Acknowledging Paradox, Facing Conflict, and Embracing Disruption, Routledge, Abingdon-on-Thames, UK, p. 129-139, 2017.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ Routledge
Christian Remy and Elaine M. Huang. Addressing the Obsolescence of End-User Devices: Approaches from the Field of Sustainable HCI. In: ICT Innovations for Sustainability, Springer, Heidelberg/New York, p. 257 - 267, 2015.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ Springer
] [ Amazon
Organized Workshops
Poorna Talkad Sukumar, Ignacio Avellino, Christian Remy, Michael A DeVito, Tawanna R Dillahunt, Joanna McGrenere, and Max L Wilson. Transparency in Qualitative Research: Increasing Fairness in the CHI Review Process. In CHI 2020: Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Shadan Sadeghian Borojeni, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Bastian Pfleging, Birsen Donmez, Andreas Riener, Christian P Janssen, Andrew L Kun, Wendy Ju, Christian Remy, and Philipp Wintersberger. Should I stay or should I go? Automated vehicles in the age of climate change. In CHI 2020: Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
] [ Workshop website
Sarah-Kristin Thiel, Christian Remy, Licinio Roque, Rita Orji, Peter Dalsgaard, Celine Latulipe, and Sayan Sarcar. Towards a Research Agenda for Gameful Creativity. In DIS 2019: Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, Extended Abstracts, San Diego, CA, USA, 2019.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
] [ Workshop website
Oliver Bates, Kathy New, Samantha Mitchell-Finnigan, Matthew Louis Mauriello, Christian Remy, Roy Bendor, Samuel Mann, Simran Chopra, Adrian Clear, and Chris Preist. Towards a Responsible Innovation Agenda for HCI. In CHI ‘19: Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glasgow, UK, May 2019.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
] [ Workshop website
Peter Dalsgaard, Christian Remy, Jonas Frich, Lindsay MacDonald Vermeulen, and Michael Mose Biskjaer. Digital Tools in Collaborative Creative Work. In NordiCHI 2018: Extended Abstracts of the 10th NordiCHI Conference, Oslo, Norway, 2018.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
] [ Workshop website
Christian Remy, Oliver Bates, Jennifer Mankoff, and Adrian Friday. Special Interest Group: Evaluating HCI Research beyond Usability. In CHI ‘18: Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montreal, Québec, Canada, April 2018.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Oliver Bates, Vanessa Thomas, Christian Remy, Lisa Nathan, Samuel Mann, and Adrian Friday. Special Interest Group: The Future of HCI and Sustainability: Championing Environmental and Social Justice. In CHI ‘18: Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montreal, Québec, Canada, April 2018.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Workshop Papers
Christian Remy and Elaine M. Huang. Identifying Promising Objectives for a Sustainable HCI Pattern Language. In CHI ‘16: Design patterns, principles, and strategies for Sustainable HCI workshop, San Jose, California, USA, 2016.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
Christian Remy and Elaine M. Huang. Limits and Sustainable Interaction Design: Obsolescence in a Future of Collapse and Resource Scarcity. In LIMITS '15: First Workshop on Computing within Limits. Irvine, California, USA, 2015.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
Christian Remy and Elaine M. Huang. Tailoring Sustainable HCI Design Knowledge to Design Practice. In CHI ‘14: Position paper for the CHI 2014 “What have we learned? A SIGCHI HCI & Sustainability community” workshop, Toronto, Alberta, Canada, 2014.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
Christian Remy and Elaine M. Huang. The Complexity of Information for Sustainable Choices. In CHI ’12: Position paper for the CHI 2012 workshop Simple, Sustainable Living, Austin, TX, USA, May 2012.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
Christina Bremer, Oliver Bates, Christian Remy, Alexandra Gormally-Sutton, Bran Knowles, and Adrian Friday. COVID-19 as an Energy Intervention: Lockdown Insights for HCI. In CHI EA ’23: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Hamburg, Germany, Article No.: 76, Pages 1 - 7.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Sheetal K. Agarwal, Jyoti Grover, Arun Kumar, Monia Puri, Meghna Singh, Christian Remy. Visual Conversational Interfaces to Empower Low-Literacy Users. In INTERACT ’13: Extended Abstracts of the 14th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2013.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ Springer
Christian Remy, Malte Weiss, and Jan Borchers. A Pattern Language for Interactive Surfaces in Collaborative Workspaces. In ITS ’09: Extended Abstracts of ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, Banff, AL, Canada, November 2009.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
Doctoral Consortium
Christian Remy. Addressing Obsolescence of Consumer Electronics through Sustainable Interaction Design. In CHI EA ’15: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 227-230, Seoul, Korea, April 2015.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
] [ ACM
Christian Remy. Incorporating Sustainable HCI Research into Design Practice. Ph.D. thesis, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, April 2017.
[ PDF] [ BibTeX
Christian Remy. A Pattern Language for Interactive Tabletops in Collaborative Workspaces. Master’s thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, May 2010.
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